Clerk of Court
Christy F. Gaddy
200 West Main St.
Chesterfield, SC 29709
Phone: 843-623-2574
Fax: 843-623-6944

Additional Contacts:
Carol Bowen, Family Court Deputy
Phone: 843-623-6301
Ashley Johnson, common Pleas Deputy
Phone: 843-623-2574
Melissa Hall, General Sessions Deputy
Phone: 843-623-2574
Public Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Frequently Asked Questions:
Family Court:​
How do I verify child support payments?
All payment verification must be done via the automated information line. Please call 843-623-5568, and have your account/case number available.
What forms of payment are accepted for Child Support?
Credit cards or on-line payments are not available. Personal checks are accepted. If a check is returned only cash or a money order will be accepted for payment. Mail your payment to Clerk of Court, P.O. Box 529, Chesterfield, S.C. 29709. You must provide your case number on your payment. If you choose to make cash payments you will need to bring your payment to the office. Please have the correct change when making cash payments.
Where can I find Family Court forms?
You can find Family Court forms and other court forms by visiting South Carolina's Judicial Department's website.
Family Court Judges:
The Honorable Salley Huggins McIntyre
112 N. MacArthur Ave.
PO Box 1658
Dillon, SC 29536
Office: 843-841-8886
Fax: 843-841-8888
The Honorable Cely Anne Brigman
Darlington County Courthouse
1 Public Square
Darlington, SC 29532
Office: (843) 398-4012
Fax: (843) 398-9877
Criminal Court:
Where can I get a Criminal record check?
We can provide a statement as to anything filed in our office at a cost of $10.00 (ten dollars). The individual requesting the statement must come in with their photo identification, social security number and date of birth. Magistrate court cases are not available.
Resident Circuit Court Judges:
The Honorable Roger E. Henderson
PO Box 311
Chesterfield, SC 29709-0311
Office: 843-623-3080
Fax: 843-623-3402
The Honorable Paul M. Burch
PO Box 276
601 West McGregor Street
Pageland, SC 29728-0276
Office: 843-672-3270
Fax: 843-672-5960
The Honorable Michael S. Holt
602 West Carolina Avenue
Hartsville, SC 29550
Office: 843-857-9177
Fax: 843-857-9179
Jury Duty:
Do I have to serve on Jury Duty?
You must serve on jury duty unless: you are over 65 and choose not to serve; you have provided a doctor's excuse stating that you have an illness that will not allow you to serve; you have a child under the age of seven (7) and you do not work outside the home. Any other reason for not serving will need to be addressed by the presiding judge on the first day of court. Under certain circumstances you may be transferred to another term of court.
According to the S.C. Code of Laws, if an individual is summoned to attend jury duty, in any court, and fails to appear on the scheduled date without sufficient cause, that person may be required to pay a fine or other penalties imposed by the judge. The judge may also require the Sheriff's Office to come to your home or place of employment to escort you to the Courthouse.
Common Pleas:
When is a case a matter for "Small Claims", and when is it "Common Pleas"?
When the amount or value of property in dispute is less than $7,500 the matter is filed in Magistrate Court. When the amount or value of property is more than $7,500 the matter is filed and heard in the Court of Common Pleas.
When will my Common Pleas case be heard?
The case has to be filed 120 days to be placed on the non-jury roster and 365 days for the jury roster. The Common Pleas roster is on line at the State's Judicial Department website.
How can I get a transcript of the court proceeding?
Both the Circuit Court and the Family Court are courts of record in which a court reporter records all proceedings in the courtroom. Court reporters are state employees who are assigned to record the proceedings of an assigned judge. If you anticipate the need for a transcript of any court proceedings, you should obtain the business card of the court reporter assigned to your hearing or trial. Requests for court transcripts must be made in writing directly to the assigned court reporter. The court reporter will contact you with an estimated charge for the transcript. Court reporters' names and contact information may also be obtained from your attorney or by calling South Carolina Court Administration at (803) 734-1800. When making a request you must specify the respective case's name and the date of the hearing or trial.
Can I act as my own attorney when filing a case?
Yes, you have the right to act as your own attorney, but our office cannot give you any advice as to the law or procedures.
Where can I get a Passport Application?
Applications are available in the Clerks office and at the United States Passports & International Travel website.
Where do I pay my traffic ticket?
Payment for any traffic violation is to be paid to the Trial Officer (Magistrate) whose name is on the left side of your ticket.
How much are copies of any documents?
Copies are 25 cents per page if you make your own copies. If staff makes copies, it will cost $2.00 per document.
Where can I get a Mobile Home Affidavit for Retirement of Title?
Visit South Carolina Investors Title Insurance Company
For more information on the responsibilities of the Clerk of Court office, visit the South Carolina Judicial Department website.