
Michelle Stanley, Director
178 Mill St.
Chesterfield, SC 29709
Phone: 843-623-2535 ext. 466
Public Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Additional Contacts:
Lisa Beam, Receptionist/Purchasing Coordinator
Phone: 843-623-2535
Heather Felts, Financial Staff Accountant/Accounts Payable
Phone: 843-623-2535 ext. 464
To be good stewards of Chesterfield County tax payers dollars. To provide County Council with Fiscal Year Budgets, Financial Statements, and Audits under the GAAP and GASB rules and regulations. Assure that the payroll and payables policies and procedures are properly implemented and maintained.
Department Functions:
​To work closely with other Chesterfield County Departments to ensure that invoices are received, paid, and recorded in a timely and efficient manner.
To promptly reconcile accounts and correct errors
To closely monitor all budgets to prevent or timely detect and correct budget overages
To ensure expenditures are properly classified and recorded
To ensure the accurate and timely processing of payroll transactions
To monitor grants to ensure proper reimbursement from grantors
To maintain financial records for the County
To provide data for inclusion in the annual audit