Human Resources

Kim Cole, Director
178 Mill St.
Chesterfield, SC 29709
Phone: 843-623-2534
Fax: 843-623-2556
Public Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I learn about job vacancies with Chesterfield County?
Job vacancies are posted on the Chesterfield County Website. For those individuals who do not have internet access, positions are posted at the Chesterfield Administration Building 178 Mill Street, Chesterfield, SC 29709.
Are job vacancies advertised in the newspaper?
Yes, positions are routinely advertised in the Pageland Progressive Journal and The Link newspapers.
How can I obtain an employment application?
Applications are available on this website. Applications may be downloaded and mailed to: Chesterfield County Human Resources, 178 Mill Street, Chesterfield, SC 29709. Applications can also be eletrionically mailed. See application for more details. Applications are also available at the Chesterfield County Administration Building.
If I have a resume, is it still necessary to complete an application?
Yes, fully completed applications are required for all job vacancies. The application requests information that is not traditionally included on a resume. This information assists staffing specialists in learning more about the experience and qualifications of the applicant. Resumes are welcomed however they may not be substituted for the application form.
May I apply for more than one position using the same application?
Yes, you may apply for two positions using one application. The job title for each position being applied for should be listed on the front page of the application under the “Positions(s) applied for” category. If applying for more than two positions please use an additional application.
What benefits does Chesterfield County offer to its employees?
​Chesterfield County offers its employees a variety of benefits some of which include: paid holidays, retirement, and health insurance.