Public Works

Jeff McCarn, Director
Public Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Department Functions:
The Public Works Department directs the proper construction and maintenance of County roads, signs and bridges, and oversees landfill operations. This Department also manages the County Work Camp.
Road Maintenance:
Improve and maintain all roads and bridges under Chesterfield County jurisdiction.
Install and repair driveways, new driveway tile, or culverts on county maintained roads. (Fees Apply)
Maintain gravel roads by scraping, providing proper drainage and adding stone when necessary.
Maintain road side vegetation
Fabricate and install street name signs
Construct and repair drainage ditches
This office does not:
Provide maintenance on any state or private road
Pick up dead animals
Install or maintain traffic lights
Repair mailboxes that have been knocked down
Pave dirt or gravel roads
Fleet Maintenance:
The Fleet Maintenance Department provides a full line of service and repairs for all Chesterfield County vehicles. Services include oil changes, transmission service, tire replacement / repair, tire rotation and balance, tune ups, major/minor engine repairs, and emergency towing. We also maintain the heavy truck fleet utilized in the collection and disposal of refuse from the convenience centers as well as the heavy equipment used for Road Maintenance. Services for these include hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical and welding repairs. This department also purchases and maintains parts for repairs and maintains a complete auto and heavy truck parts inventory.
The Fleet Maintenance Department’s Staff includes: Fleet Management Director, three Mechanics and a Parts Clerk.

Travis Tucker, Fleet Director
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who do I call to get my road repaired?
That depends on who is responsible for maintaining the roads. Roads are divided into three categories:
Private roads belong to private individuals who are responsible for the maintenance. Typically these roads have black private road signs.
County roads are maintained by Chesterfield County Road Maintenance Department. Typically these roads have green street signs with road name only.
State Roads are maintained by the state of South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT). Generally these roads have a number designation that contains SC, US, or S-13 sign mounted above the stop sign. If you have any questions or concerns on these roads please call SCDOT at 843-623-2543.
How do I place a work order for roadwork on a county road?
Call the Chesterfield County Public Works Department at 843-623-2464 and provide the following information:
Your name, address and a daytime contact number
The name of the road for which the problem is being reported
Provide detailed information concerning the problem
Provide detailed directions to the problem area (subdivision name, road name, address or lot number, which side of the road, and name of the main road or highway the problem is off of. Or you may send you work order request via email.
How do I have a driveway pipe (culvert) installed?
You must go to the Public works Department at 97 Jones Road in Chesterfield to pay an upfront fee of $500 (five hundred dollars) for a 20 foot driveway.
Flags will be provided to mark the pipe location.
There is a $70 fee for each additional 4 foot of driveway.
How do I report a missing stop sign?
For county road signs call 843-623-2464. For state road signs call 843-623-2543.
Who do I call for road related emergencies after hours and weekends?
Call the Chesterfield County Emergency 911. Provide them with the location and a brief description of the emergency; they will contact the proper authority.
How often is my dirt road scraped by the county?
County roads are on a 4- to 6-week cycle for scraping. The cycle is subject to change based on weather conditions, while some roads are scraped on an as needed basis. Roads are not created equal and are scraped and taken care of based on the needs of that road.