
Rose Gainey
Public Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Burnsite: 522 Moree Rd., Society Hill (843) 378-0082
Cheraw: 850 Tec Rd., Cheraw (843) 537-6125
Chesterfield: 16 Price Circle, Chesterfield (843) 623-9812
Jefferson: 410 Jefferson Landfill Ln, Jefferson (843) 658-7393
McBee: 2870 Tabernacle Church Rd., McBee (843) 672-9287
Pageland: 1695 North Arant St., Pageland (843) 672-9287
Patrick: 13678 HWY 102, Patrick (843) 498-6384

Let's R-E-C-Y-C-L-E Chesterfield County!
The 2009 SC Solid Waste Management Annual Report shows that South Carolinians land filled over 3 MILLION TONS OF TRASH. That equals 4.5 pounds of trash per person every day of the year! The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) set a goal of 3.5 pounds of trash per person per day.​
When you visit a Chesterfield County Convenience/Recycle Center you have the perfect opportunity to reduce the amount of trash that goes to the land fill. Comingling the plastic bottles, aluminum cans and cardboard is a great way to start. Repurposing or donating is another great way to keep items out of the land fill. To help Chesterfield County residents with recycling, the county has 7 Recycling/Convenience Centers.
From January through March 2009 Chesterfield County recycled 27.9 tons of material. In January through March 2010 Chesterfield County recycled 49.75 tons of material for a 78% increase.
Chesterfield County has two recycling trailers that are available for recycle projects. Please call our office to reserve a trailer for your recycling event. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control has the "Recycle Guys" a collection of mascots available for loan. If you would like to have one of the guys visit your school or function please call our office for more information.
Recycle/Convenience Centers accept household garbage. Remember to separate your recyclables from your household garbage. You do not have to separate your recyclables now. Chesterfield County cominglings. All garbage must be bagged and placed in the compactor. Garbage from businesses is not accepted at the centers.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where can I recycle used oil and filters and how much does it cost?
There is no cost to recycle used oil and filters, however there are some restrictions. Businesses are not permitted to bring their used oil and filters. There is a limit of 5 gallons per visit and oil must be free of gasoline. You may recycle up to 10 filters per visit. Filters must be drained for 24 hours before recycling.
All centers accept the following used oils only. Motor oil, hydraulic fluid, gear oil, diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, automatic transmission fluid and power steering fluid.
Do the centers accept batteries and how much does it cost?
There is no cost to recycle batteries at the centers, however there are some restrictions. Businesses are not permitted to bring their batteries. The centers do not accept Alkaline or Ni-Cad batteries.
Which recyclables do the centers accept?
The following items are accepted. You do not have to seperate. You may also view/print a downloadable list by clicking here.
Plastics: #1/PET -all plastic bottles marked by a recycling symbol with the #1. #2/HDPE Milk, juice or other plastic containers marked by a recycling symbol with the #2. For all plastics, rinse and remove caps and lids. Do not put bags in receptacle.
Newspaper: Dry newspaper and news print. Glossy inserts and telephone books are not accepted in the newsprint receptacle.
Aluminum:Beverage cans, clean aluminum baking pans, and clean aluminum foil. Rinse items before recycling. Do not put bags in receptacle.
Cardboard: Please breakdown all cardboard before recycling.
Paperboard: Cereal and soda boxes (broken down), empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls, paper cans.
White Goods:Items with metal parts, such as stoves, washers, dryers, refrigerators, grills and bicycles.
Scrap Metal:Steel, tire rims and tin cans; any metals other than White Goods.
Tires:Rubber tires from vehicles; tires must be off the rim. Tires are only accepted at the following sites: Chesterfield, Jefferson and Patrick.
Batteries: Only used automotive, marine and lawn mower batteries.
Used Oil: A 5(five) gallon maximum for used oil per visit; business are not allowed to bring in oil or filters.
Filters: Filters are accepted once they have been pierced and drained for 24 hours.; maximum of 10 (ten) filters per visit.
Is there a list of acceptable items for the landfill?
Yes, click here for a downloadable list of accepted items.