Veterans Affairs
Pamelia C. Mills, Director
200 West Main St.
Chesterfield, SC 29709
Phone: 843-623-2482
Fax: 843-623-7349

Public Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
American is #1 Thanks to our Veterans
The Chesterfield County Veterans Affairs Office is an advocate for veterans and/or their survivors to provide the assistance needed in applying for benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Hospitals, the State of South Carolina and local agencies to which they may be entitled.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I get a copy of my DD Form 214 (military discharge certificate)?
Our office can assist you in obtaining a copy of your DD Form 214 or you can request a copy on line from The National Archives office here.
What services or benefits am I entitled to as a Veteran?
The Veterans Affairs Office will assist the veteran in filing a claim to determine the eligibility of individual circumstances, including time in the military, degree of disability, and annual income. There is a list of documents that the veteran needs to bring to the office to file a claim. You may click on the online form "Veteran's Claim Checklist" for this list.
Does the VA loan money?
No, VA home loan guaranties are issued to help eligible Veterans obtain homes, manufactured homes, and to refinance home loans.
How do I enroll in the VA Healthcare system?
A copy of the Veteran's DD214 along with an Application For Health Benefits form is needed to submit to the VA Medical Center eligibility unit. The Veterans Affairs Office will assist the Veteran with this application process.
Do I need an appointment?
Yes, appointments are encouraged so that we are able to assist each Veteran and/or his dependent in a timely manner.
Additional information may be obtained by calling the Veterans Affairs Regional Office at 1-800-827-1000 (statewide).